Letra por día: "T" - To the lighthouse de Virginia Woolf
Hoy vuelve a tocar la película de The little mermaid (La Sirenita. Disney, 1989) así que otra vez la letra "T"... y ya empiezan a escasear los libros con esa letra.
This simple and haunting story captures the transcience of life and its surrounding emotions.
To the Lighthouse is the most autobiographical of Virginia Woolf's novels. It is based on her own early experiences, and while it touches on childhood and children's perceptions and desires, it is at its most trenchant when exploring adult relationships, marriage and the changing class-structure in the period spanning the Great War.
Título: To the Lighthouse
Autor: Virginia Woolf
Editorial: Wordsworth Classics
Nº páginas: 176
Año: 1994
Precio: -
Encuadernación: Tapa Blanda
ISBN: 978-1853260919
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