Letra por día: "T" - The O'Brien Book of Irish fairy tales and legends de Una Leavy

Pues nada, que otra vez toca la letra "T" con la película The Incredibles (Los Increibles. Disney/Pixar, 2004) así que toca rebuscar a ver si me queda algún libro que comience por esa letra.


Irish fairy tales and legends are full of enchantment, brave deeds and lost loves. Told from generation to generation, they are as fascinating now as they were to their original listeners.

This wonderfully rich and varied collection are ten of the best-loved traditional Irish stories, retold by author and poet Una Leavy. The post of Gold captures the trickery and mischief of leprechauns; the story of Oisin in Tír na n-Óg marks the end of the great Fianna. From 2000 years ago comes The Children of Lir … all stories to be treasured for years to come.

Susan Field's beautiful illustrations are inspired by ancient Celtic art and culture. They capture the wealth of tradition, the humour and the magic of these great stories.

Ficha técnica:
Autor: Una Leavy
Editorial: The O'Brien Press
Nº páginas: 96
Año: 2012
Precio: 12,47€
Encuadernación: Tapa Blanda
ISBN: 978-1847173133


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