Letra por día: "C" - Cinderella de Elizabeth Rudnick
Como el finde comparte película es el turno de Cinderella (Cenicienta. Disney, 1950) así que la letra "C" nuevamente.
Ella's childhood is a happy one: she has loving parents, plenty of fields and meadows to explore, and lots of kind animal friends to play with. A sweet child, Ella warms the hearts of all who meet her. And her home is a wonderful place, the perfect little kingdom for a joyful family.
But when tragedy strikes, Ella's happy home turns into one filled with sadness and cruelty. Will Ella be able to hold onto her kindness and courage through it all?
Título: Cinderella
Autor: Elizabeth Rudnick
Editorial: Hachette Book Group
Nº páginas: 176
Año: 2015
Precio: -
Encuadernación: Tapa Blanda
ISBN: 978-1484711132
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